Here at Northeastern Security Safe & Lock, we are your reliable experts for creating an access control system suited to your specific needs. In particular, we use Prodata Key (PDK) to provide exciting new solutions and to bring true security to your facility. PDK offers a “cloud-based” system. Cloud-based access control means having control of all your facility’s doors via a secure web connection. This connection can be established by using your computer or your phone – anywhere, anytime. Having such a connection allows you to issue codes or personalized key fobs to individual employees. The flip side of this means that you can instantly deny access to anyone, at any time. You can also set schedules, assign groups of employees, and more. An additional management benefit is that you can see who has come in, and exactly when. Furthermore, you can check the status of any given door, and set it on open if someone has forgotten a key.
Perhaps you’d like to delegate control to certain members of your staff? PDK allows you to give individual employees control over all – or only certain parts – of the system. This allows you to separate (or, if you prefer, integrate) different parts of your organization. It also means that you can provide certain staff members with the ability to make changes in terms of access control to your facility. You can connect up to 1,000 devices on PDK, and employees are able to connect with it anywhere up to one mile away.
Another huge benefit of using this cloud-based system is peace of mind. PDK issues alerts about a number of impending problems, such as input voltage failure, low battery, etc. This allows you to stay on top of such issues, rather than having to respond after the fact. Similarly, PDK includes automatic backup of your system’s data, along with a platform that is always kept up to date. The encryption is top-grade government level, which means that it will be nearly impossible for hackers to breach. Finally, you can connect to the system either through the internet or through PDK’s own “wireless mesh access control” (wimac™️). This means you can rest easy knowing that you can always monitor activity and make any changes you wish.
Talk about smart access…!