Why Do We Have So Many Key Machines?

You can’t ignore that we have a lot of equipment when you come into our shop – so as you might imagine, we get asked quite a bit why we have so many key replicators? Answer being – so we can offer the right replacement key to our clients, unlike the universal key cutters some of our big-box and mobile competitors use.


And why is that important? Well, every time a key is duplicated, it loses some if its dimensions – it doesn’t take long for a key cut like this to stop working as it should. And what we mean by that is maybe a key that needs to be jiggled and wiggled to get into the lock or turned back and forth with “just the right amount of pressure” to turn the cylinder. Both are signs of a worn lock, or a key which has lost its dimensions. The only way to fix the latter, is to cut the key as it was engineered. Which is what code-cutting does, it creates a key as it was made on day-one.


Owners of commercial properties, landlords and people with antique locks (and vehicles) understand this delima and are some of our most appreciative clients.


Check out the video below as Joe walks you through the key-differences of each! From simple replacement keys to high-security edge-cut and multi-plane keys and bit-&-barrel keys (skeletons) – we’ve got them all – to make them all!